Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Joshua chapter 5 is a chapter that made me say "ouch!" I can't imagine what circumcision felt like for these men who were not circumcised in the desert.

Now i am sure that this chapter must have been significant in some way but my mind can't get beyond the "ouch!" Mainly because i know what the process of circumcision is and that it is usually performed on babies not on grown men and for obvious reasons a little child is not going to remember that kind of experience.

Maybe this was a way to help all the men of Israel remember exactly who the LORD is and what HE had done for them.

Carl, i need some of your 'old testament' studies on this one.


Carl said...

Ouch is putting it lightly. These men wouldn't have been able to move for at least three days.

On a technical note, I do remember Colin (Prof. Colin to everyone else) explaining the common practice of circumcising a 12/13 y.o. male for his "coming of age." If anyone feels so historicly inclined, I could search for the Egyptian relief art which displays this painful experience. Seeing it once was enough for me.

Anonymous said...

no thanks, i've already seen it done...that is why i say ouch...