Tuesday, April 1, 2008

You are Beautiful - A Note to All Women


We live in a world of consumerism and we live in a society that posts supermodels and celebrities all over their magazines, television, and even newspapers. Too often young girls, young women and older women look at these covers and say to themselves “If only I….”

Our generation is full of “If only I…” statements. I am full of “If only I…” statements.

We fool ourselves if we truly think that losing 10-60pounds is going to fulfill our deepest longings for beauty because true beauty does not mean that we meet society’s standards. True Beauty begins at our core and if we can’t see how beautiful really are now, even when we lose the weight we won’t be able to see it then. We will always be judging and comparing ourselves to someone else and our accomplishments and joy will be as if they never existed.

So my challenges for you ladies today, look in the mirror and find something to be thankful for just as you are now.

Psalm 139:14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.Psalm 139:13-15 (in Context) Psalm 139 (Whole Chapter)

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